Welcome to Evergreen, Gracious Senior Living!
Evergreen is a senior living campus for adults who want to remain independent while having access to services and amenities. With the exceptional services we provide, we are confident you will find what you are looking for, whether it is at Evergreen Knoll-Our Assisted Living Residence, Evergreen Suites-Our Higher Need Assisted Living Residences, or Evergreen Cottages-Our independent residences.
Evergreen is the premier senior living campus in our area, emphasizing independence, privacy and family involvement. We at Evergreen know the most important member of your health care team is your family; therefore we make every attempt to keep your family involved. Family and friends have peace of mind knowing their loved ones receive high quality, compassionate support and service! The experienced and dedicated staff will provide residents and clients with a warm, comfortable and responsive environment to live in.
Evergreen is owned by HADC Services, LLC whose sole member is Housing Alternatives Development Company, a Minnesota non-profit corporation.
Click To View Our Uniform Disclosure of Assisted Living Services & Amenities (UDALSA)